ژورنال زنان و زایمان (Obstetrics & Gynecology) منبعی ارزشمند برای تمامی متخصصین زنان و زایمان است و هدف آن ارائه مقالات و مطالب علمی و تحقیقات بالینی معتبر در زمینه سلامت و بهداشت زنان می باشد، ژورنال سبز دومین ژورنال برتر در بین 79 ژورنال پزشکی است.

لیست مقالات ژورنال زنان و زایمان که در ماه نوامبر سال 2016 منتشر شده است را در این پست مشاهده می کنید، همچنین میتوانید جهت دانلود تمامی مقالات این ژورنال بر روی لینک دانلود انتهای این مطلب کلیک نمایید.


1.Residual Incontinence After Obstetric Fistula Repair.


2.Identifying Patients With Vesicovaginal Fistula at High Risk of Urinary Incontinence After Surgery.


3.Finding Our Patients.


4.Female Genital Mutilation: A Visual Reference and Learning Tool for Health Care Professionals.


5.Sleep Enhancement Training for Pregnant Women.


6.Chylous Ascites Complicating Modified Radical Hysterectomy for Placenta Percreta.


7.Pregnancy Outcomes in Women With a History of Previable, Preterm Prelabor Rupture of Membranes.

8.Outcomes With Cerclage Alone Compared With Cerclage Plus 17[alpha]-Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate.


9.Progestogens as Maintenance Treatment in Arrested Preterm Labor: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

10.Antenatal Corticosteroids and Outcomes of Small-for-Gestational-Age Neonates.

11.Abdominal Incision Injection of Liposomal Bupivacaine and Opioid Use After Laparotomy for Gynecologic Malignancies.

12.Factors Associated With Recurrence After Surgical Resection in Women With Intravenous Leiomyomatosis.

13.Laparoscopically Confirmed Endometriosis and Breast Cancer in the Nurses' Health Study II.

14.Body Mass Index and the Spontaneous Onset of Parturition.

15.Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes With Early Compared With Delayed Pushing Among Nulliparous Women.

16.Postpartum Blood Loss in Women Treated for Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy.

17.Enoxaparin and Aspirin Compared With Aspirin Alone to Prevent Placenta-Mediated Pregnancy Complications: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

18.Safety of Outpatient Surgical Abortion for Obese Patients in the First and Second Trimesters.

19.Intra-fetal Compared With Intra-amniotic Digoxin Before Dilation and Evacuation: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

20.Simultaneous Administration Compared With a 24-Hour Mifepristone-Misoprostol Interval in Second-Trimester Abortion: A Randomized Controlled Trial.


21.Intrauterine Device Insertion Failure After Misoprostol Administration: A Systematic Review.


22.Gestational Alloimmune Liver Disease: A Devastating Condition Preventable With Maternal Intravenous Immunoglobulin.


23.Breastfeeding Initiation Associated With Reduced Incidence of Diabetes in Mothers and Offspring.


24.Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Pregnancy.

25.Insect Repellants During Pregnancy in the Era of the Zika Virus.


26.Maternal Diabetes, Birth Weight, and Neonatal Risk of Congenital Heart Defects in Norway, 1994-2009.

27.Observed Rate of Down Syndrome in Twin Pregnancies.

28.Psychotherapy With Somatosensory Stimulation for Endometriosis-Associated Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

29.Women's Sexual Function, Satisfaction, and Perceptions After Starting Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives.

30.Prenatally Diagnosed Vasa Previa: A Single-Institution Series of 96 Cases.


31.Disorders of Sexual Development in Adult Women.

32.What Is New in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?: Best Articles From the Past Year.

33.Connect the Dots-November 2016.


34.Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy: Health Policy and Practice in the Midst of an Epidemic.

35.In Reply.

36.Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy: Health Policy and Practice in the Midst of an Epidemic.

37.In Reply.

38.Perinatal and Hemodynamic Evaluation of Sildenafil Citrate for Preeclampsia Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

39.In Reply.

40.Duration of Oxytocin and Rupture of the Membranes Before Diagnosing a Failed Induction of Labor.

41.In Reply.



43.Author Agreement.

44.Table of Contents: November 2016 Issue.

45.College Publications.

46.Practice Bulletin No. 173 Summary: Fetal Macrosomia.

47.Practice Bulletin No. 174 Summary: Evaluation and Management of Adnexal Masses.

48.Committee Opinion No. 678 Summary: Comprehensive Sexuality Education.

49.Committee Opinion No. 679 Summary: Immersion in Water During Labor and Delivery.

50.Committee Opinion No. 680 Summary: The Use and Development of Checklists in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

51.Practice Bulletin No. 173: Fetal Macrosomia.

52.Practice Bulletin No. 174: Evaluation and Management of Adnexal Masses.

53.Committee Opinion No. 678: Comprehensive Sexuality Education.

54.Committee Opinion No. 679: Immersion in Water During Labor and Delivery.

55.Committee Opinion No. 680: The Use and Development of Checklists in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

برای مشاهده لینک دانلود شما باید در سایت ثبت نام نمایید، در صورتیکه قبلا ثبت نام کرده اید لطفا وارد سایت شوید، در صورت هرگونه مشکل از طریق بخش تماس با ما با واحد پشتیبانی ارتباط برقرار کنید.

درباره دُروانا

دُروانا محلی برای تحقیق و پژوهش (فرهنگ دهخدا)
وبسایت دروانا در تلاش است با گردآوری ژورنال های تخصصی پزشکی، مجلات پزشکی، مقالات و مطالب علمی، از معتبرترین منابع جهانی، بستری را برای تحقیق و مطالعه فراهم نماید.
از تمامی پزشکانی که دُروانا را برای رسیدن به این هدف همراهی می نمایند، کمال تشکر را داریم.
با دروانا همراه شوید.

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