ژورنال زنان و زایمان آمریکا (American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology) بر روی پیشگیری، تشخیص و درمان بیماری های حوزه زنان و زایمان تمرکز دارد و تلاش می کند تا از این طریق بر عملکرد متخصصین در رابطه با بیماری ها و سلامت زنان تاثیر گذار باشد.

لیست مقالات ژورنال AJOG که در ماه فوریه سال 2016 منتشر شده است را در این پست مشاهده می کنید، همچنین میتوانید جهت دانلود تمامی مقالات این ژورنال بر روی لینک دانلود انتهای این مطلب کلیک نمایید.

1.Table of Contents

2.Information for Readers


3.The use of quality metrics in health care: primum non nocere and the law of unintended consequences

Report of Major Impact

4.Cervical pessary to prevent preterm birth in women with twin gestation and sonographic short cervix: a multicenter randomized controlled trial (PECEP-Twins) Original Research Article

SMFM Special Report

5.Comparing variation in hospital rates of cesarean delivery among low-risk women using 3 different measures Original Research Article

Expert Reviews

6.Physical activity and the pelvic floor Review Article


7.A review of the mechanisms and evidence for typical and atypical twinning Review Article

8.New development of the yolk sac theory in diabetic embryopathy: molecular mechanism and link to structural birth defects Review Article

Systematic Reviews

9.Continuous versus cyclic oral contraceptives after laparoscopic excision of ovarian endometriomas: a systematic review and metaanalysis Review Article

10.Influence of race and ethnicity on in vitro fertilization outcomes: systematic review Review Article


11.Celiac disease and obstetric complications: a systematic review and metaanalysis Review Article

Clinical Opinion

12.Vaginal progesterone to prevent preterm birth in pregnant women with a sonographic short cervix: clinical and public health implications Original Research Article

Call to Action

13.Applying to subspecialty fellowship: clarifying the confusion and conflicts! Original Research Article


14.Stein and Leventhal: 80 years onOriginal Research Article

Original Research

15.Contained tissue extraction using power morcellation: prospective evaluation of leakage parameters Original Research Article

16.Surgical site infection following hysterectomy: adjusted rankings in a regional collaborative Original Research Article

17.Changes in pelvic organ prolapse mesh mechanical properties following implantation in rats Original Research Article

18.Rates of colpopexy and colporrhaphy at the time of hysterectomy for prolapse Original Research Article

19.Reoperation for urinary incontinence: a nationwide cohort study, 1998–2007 Original Research Article

20.A self-assessment efficacy tool for spermicide contraceptive users Original Research Article

21.Bridging the gap: determinants of undiagnosed or untreated urinary incontinence in women Original Research Article


22.Long-term neurofunctional outcome, executive functioning, and behavioral adaptive skills following fetal myelomeningocele surgery Original Research Article

23.Accelerated acidosis in response to variable fetal heart rate decelerations in chronically hypoxic ovine fetuses Original Research Article

24.Severe placental abruption: clinical definition and associations with maternal complications Original Research Article

25.The impact of hydroxychloroquine treatment on pregnancy outcome in women with antiphospholipid antibodies Original Research Article

26.Sonographic markers associated with adverse neonatal outcomes among fetuses with gastroschisis: an 11-year, single-center review Original Research Article

27.Efficacy of midtrimester short cervix interventions is conditional on intraamniotic inflammation Original Research Article

28.Transvaginal cervical length scans to prevent prematurity in twins: a randomized controlled trial Original Research Article

29.Down-regulation of placental neuropilin-1 in fetal growth restriction Original Research Article

30.Outside-in? Acute fetal systemic inflammation in very preterm chronically catheterized sheep fetuses is not driven by cells in the fetal blood Original Research Article

31.Telomere homeostasis in trophoblasts and in cord blood cells from pregnancies complicated with preeclampsia Original Research Article

32.Inflammatory gene networks in term human decidual cells define a potential signature for cytokine-mediated parturition Original Research Article

33.A barrier retractor to reduce surgical site infections and wound disruptions in obese patients undergoing cesarean delivery: a randomized controlled trial Original Research Article

34.Effect of obesity on neonatal outcomes in pregnancies with preterm premature rupture of membranes Original Research Article

Surgeon's Corner

35.Surgical management of vulvovaginal agglutination due to lichen planus

Research Letters

36.Widening of the femoral diaphysis-metaphysis angle at 20-24 weeks: a marker for the detection of achondroplasia prior to the onset of skeletal shortening

37.Prevalence of unexpected leiomyosarcoma at myomectomy: a descriptive study

Letters to the Editors

38.Perinatal risks of planned home births in the United States


40.Perioperative pulmonary complications in obese patients undergoing robotic procedures for gynecological cancers


42.Cerebroplacental ratio in fetal surveillance: an alert bell or a crash sound?

43.The importance of the cerebroplacental ratio in the evaluation of fetal well-being in SGA and AGA fetuses


45.Why the heart is like an orchestra and the uterus is like a soccer crowd


47.Cervical pessary placement for prevention of preterm birth in unselected twin pregnancies: a randomized controlled trial


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درباره دُروانا

دُروانا محلی برای تحقیق و پژوهش (فرهنگ دهخدا)
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با دروانا همراه شوید.

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